Saturday, 31 December 2011

Welcome 2012

What a great start to the new year.  I had an awesome night with my friends and our kids.  Fireworks at 9pm were great the kids loved it.  Then sparklers at midnight which I think I enjoyed more then the kiddies.  I think i finally made it to bed sometime after 2 and the baby had me up again at about 6 but I am doing quite well although I do have to think about getting to work on my essay which is due in a week... I have started towards my first goal for the year and started looking at homes to buy there are some that are in my price bracket that i really like the look of so fingers crossed it can happen for us :) I would love nothing more then to own my own home that the boys and I can leave our mark on.  So here is hoping for one huge debt in my near future.

Friday, 30 December 2011

A quick goodbye to 2011

Wow what a year it has been it seems like only yesterday that I was waiting for 2011 to begin.
A lot has happened.   I gave birth to another beautiful boy who is quite good already at attracting women, been covered in copious amounts of chunky warm regurgitated milk, had my heart broken by the one person that I thought I could trust, started uni and ticked another thing off my bucket list  (something that only I know about so I have no intentions on sharing that one) ... Made some new friends and lost some old ones.  Adopted a cute (at the time) but annoying cat.  Travelled to QLD with 2 young children and managed to upset a few people in the process but that is their issue if they are not adult enough that the world doesn't revolve around them that is fine.  
I was holding onto a dream that I now know will never eventuate so I have decided that it is time to let go of that and follow some new ones.  Who knows what the future will hold.
So tonight as the sun sets on 2011 and I am sitting out the back with my friends having a bundy or 4 I will make a promise to myself to let go of the bad parts of my past and embrace the unknown of the future and just enjoy life as a single and free woman who is about to embark on one of the most exciting parts of her life with 2 handsome little men at her side....
Goodbye 2011 and hello to the new and exciting 2012 please bring with you many happy moments and if its not too much to ask a hot man to call my own would be nice too :)

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Ever wonder what makes a person just that little bit crazy??

 I used to but I think that I have finally worked it out.... A combination of 2 little boys one aged 5 and one who is 9 months old a 2 year old Beagle called Princess and a feral cat called Frankie.  Throw in the joys of running a household on a shoestring budget and the pressure of university study and man troubles and I reckon you will be  almost at crazy.

My life is hardly worth writing about but I thought that I might give it a go anyway just for the fun of it.  You never know I might actually get something from it.  

2011 has seen some ups and downs new additions to my family and new challenges to face but even with all that has gone on it has been a very rewarding year and I am hoping that 2012 will either bring the man I fell in love with 2 years ago back to me or will see me in the arms of a man who is worthy of my love.  But for now my bed and my littlest boy is calling out to me.  Night all Mumma of two xo