Friday, 20 January 2012

So it looks like we are going to be moving soon...

On the 2nd of march we are going to be picking up the keys to our new home.  And its going to be ours!!! Today I got the pre approval for the home loan to buy a house.  I am ever so happy.  I can't believe that the boys and I are going to be owning our very own house.  Its not the flashest house in the world but it will be ours.  I can't wait to get into painting and decorating it to make my mark on it.  I already have so many fantastic ideas and can see that I will be doing a lot of painting and handyman jobs over the next year or so.  Mister 5 is even more excited then me I think he has all these plans for his bedroom and has already picked his room out luckily it is the one that I had planned on him having.  The best part is the boys will even have their own toy room as there is a small 'sunroom' that we can use as a play room for them that means no more or well very few toys on the floor in the bedroom and the lounge room something that currently annoys me.  So I expect that over the next year there will be lots of blogs about my painting adventures and any other from of renovations that may take place once we move in.  OOOOOH I have never been this excited in my life...
Here is our house

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