Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Never let fear hold you back from experiencing life

Because you never know what amazing things you might miss out on...

In November 2009 I made the decision to move over 2000km away from everything and everyone I knew. I was scared out of my mind and really had no idea what I was doing or why. I left everyone and everything that was safe and familiar behind on the promise of a job working for my father and a house to live in.  In May 2010 I was worried that I had made the wrong choice because my father ended up having to close the shop and I was left with out a job and place to live (they wanted to move back into their house). 

Now as I sit here I know that the choice I made was the right one. If I hadn't made that decision I would never have met the man who although not perfect is the right man for me, yeah we need some help sorting out where we stand most of the time but what we have works for us.  I also wouldn't have my gorgeous second little boy who along with his big brother makes life worth living every single day.  Since coming here I have made some amazing friends who spoiled me rotten on my birthday with a massage a set of acrylic nails and my best friend from high school who they managed to sneak into town.  They also tied me to a chair and blind folded me before leaving me alone in the lounge room with a man who they had me convinced was some random stripper turns out they had hacked my phone called my boyfriend and convinced him to pretend to be the stripper.  Without the support of these friends I wouldn't have found the courage to follow my dreams to become a teacher.  Nor would I have found the courage to try and buy my own home which I move into in 3 days time.  

My life isn't perfect but at the moment it is looking pretty darn good even with all of the problems that I still have to deal with daily.   If I had of left the fear of the unknown prevent me from experiencing some of the most amazing life changing events that I have experienced over the last 2.4 years.. I am really excited to see what happens next. 

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