We also have 2 new additions to the family 2 white rabbits called Cuddles and Skittles. They are just adorable and almost half the size of the dog already.
The house renovations have been going slowly. In fact I haven't done much at all yet other then getting rid of the tree in the front yard. That was an interesting adventure. I decided to do it one weekend and had half of the neighbors taking a look at me, one actually got a large park bench type seat and dragged it into his driveway and watched me digging out the roots for quite some time. I have been moving the furniture around quite a bit and I am finally happy with the lounge room most of the time and will be even more happier once the heater isnt needed. I am hoping to have a revers cycle heater next winter. Well its bed time now hopefully I can get back into a habit of writing again.
You're getting quite a menagerie of pets. The boys are lucky :)